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Atmospheric Plasma Treatment Equipment for Cleaning, Treating, and Functionalizing Natural and Synthetic Materials
Sigma was an early pioneer in the development and commericalization of Atmospheric Plasma Treatment (APT) system for treating wide webs at high speeds. Today, Sigma APT systems are used by industries that include flexible packaging, cleaning of metals, and cleaning and functionalization of substrates for flexible electronics.
2-Sided system for cleaning stainless steel.Beyond Conventional Surface Treatment
Though adequate for some applications, surface treatment technologies such as corona, flame treatment, and wet chemistry are incapable of producing uniformly high treatment levels, and sustaining them over long periods of time. APT is a room temperature, “cold flame,” pinhole-free, process capable of achieving and maintaining surface energies of even the most difficult-to-treat materials (such as PE, PP, PTFE, etc.) exceeding 50 dyne on most materials Though adequate for some applications, surface treatmenttechnologies such as corona, flame treatment, and wetchemistry are incapable of producing uniformly hightreatment levels, and sustaining them over long periods oftime. APT is a room temperature, “cold flame,” pinhole-free,process capable of achieving and maintaining surfaceenergies of even the most difficult-to-treat materials (such as PE, PP, PTFE, etc.) exceeding 50 dyne on most materials.
Multi-Mode Operation (Plasma, Chemical Corona, & Conventional Corona)
Unlike conventional treatment technologies, Sigma's Atmospheric Plasma Treatment systems are capable of operating in three different modes, which are selected depending on the substrate, desired treatment type/level, and ongoing treatment cost. Operators can easily switch between plasma, conventional corona, and chemical corona modes by modifying the gas chemistry and power levels delivered to the plasma electrodes Multi-Mode Operation (Plasma, ChemicalCorona, & Conventional Corona)Unlike conventional treatment technologies, Sigma'sAtmospheric Plasma Treatment systems are capable ofoperating in three different modes, which are selecteddepending on the substrate, desired treatment type/level,and ongoing treatment cost. Operators can easily switchbetween plasma, conventional corona, and chemical corona modes by modifying the gas chemistry and powerlevels delivered to the plasma electrodes